Emotional Care for Women After Pregnancy Loss - a University of Calgary Research Study

We are pleased to present this guest feature from one of our Ph.D students – Elyse Mireille Charrois who is conducting a research study on the emotional care for women after pregnancy loss. If this is something that interests you personally or if you know someone who may benefit, please read on and reach out directly to Elyse at elyse.lecharrois@ucalgary.ca . 

Welcome to our research study!

My name is Elyse Mireille Charrois.

I am a PhD student at the University of Calgary who is conducting a research study on pregnancy loss. If you are interested in learning more, please keep reading.

What is the background of the study?

Pregnancy loss has negative effects on women’s emotional health. Grief, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress are common. As a result, it is especially important for women to take care of their emotional health during this time.

Our understanding of what influences women in discussing their emotional health after pregnancy loss and their preferences in emotional care, is lacking. This keeps us from developing improved emotional health care programs for women after pregnancy loss.

>> Read More: What is Pregnancy Loss and Why Does It Matter?

What is the purpose of the study?

The purpose of our research study is to help us understand what influences women in discussing their emotional health after pregnancy loss, and their preferences in emotional care.

If you agree to participate in this study, there may or may not be a direct benefit to you. However, the information you share may be used to improve health care that supports women’s emotional health and coping after pregnancy loss.

The information that you share will teach us how to best engage women affected by pregnancy loss in emotional health screening and monitoring, and the type and delivery of emotional care that is preferred. The information you share will be used to develop and improve programs that support women’s emotional health and coping after pregnancy loss.

Who is eligible to participate?

  1. Did you have a pregnancy loss in the past 2 years?

  2. Did your pregnancy loss occur within Canada?

If you have answered ‘yes’ to both questions, you are eligible to participate.

We are looking for up to 350 women to complete an online survey. If you have experienced a pregnancy loss within Canada in the past two years, we invite you to share your point of view.

How can you participate?

This study includes an online survey that may take you 10 minutes to complete.

To participate in the survey, click here: https://survey.ucalgary.ca/jfe/form/SV_8I0BTNDITuOBdrL

If you would like more details about something mentioned here, or information not included here, please contact us by using the contact information provided below.

If you would like to share this study with others, here is a downloadable pdf that can be easily shared: Pregnancy Loss Study PDF

Thank you for considering participation in this study to help us improve women’s ability to cope after pregnancy loss.

The University of Calgary Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board has approved this study (REB19-1990).


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