Suicide Prevention and Safety Plans

Let’s bust some myths, shall we?

  1. Speaking up if you need help is a sign of strength, NOT weakness.⁠

  2. Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, background. It is an invisible illness that can be helped.⁠

  3. Men are x4 more likely to die by suicide but more women experience suicidal thoughts (according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness).⁠

    What are some myths you think should be busted regarding suicidal thoughts/tendencies? How can we educate and do a better job in helping people to prevent this type of tragedy?

Create a Safety Plan

You may be asking, ‘What is a safety plan?’

A safety plan is essentially a plan to help you navigate sad and difficult times, to keep you safe and remind you there are options other than suicide. When life gets challenging and overwhelming, it can feel difficult to cope or think straight. A safety plan helps bring together personalized coping strategies to remind you that you are not alone and can help you feel safe.

Safety plans may include:

  • Contact details of trusted friends and professionals.

  • A list of ways to make your environment safe – if you are not safe at home, go to a public space with a friend until the urge to harm yourself has passed.

  • Reasons to live.

An Australian study has shown that safety plans work. They help reduce suicidal tendencies and help the overwhelmed person ride those difficult waves and come out the other side, safe.

BeyondBlue from Australia has created an incredible app called ‘BeyondNow‘ which you can download on the Apple Store or Google Play. If you do not have access to either, it can also be accessed online.

Here is an example of how a safety plan can look like, laid out by the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand (download the pdf to view).

Here is another take that helps discuss how a safety plan can be created and used.

If you are still struggling with your plan – call 911 for help.

A note for perinatal women:

‘It’s a shocking and little-known fact that suicide is the leading cause of maternal death in Australia during pregnancy and the 12 months following birth. And crucially, women use more violent means to die by suicide in the perinatal period than at other stage in their lives. This means family, friends and health services have fewer opportunities to intervene.’

For this reason, we strongly believe in and advocate for mental health screening to catch early signs of anxiety and/or depression – yes, during the postpartum period, but just as importantly during pregnancy.

Here are 3 reasons why all pregnant and postpartum women should be screened for depression: ⁠

  1. Screening leads to treatment. Treatment leads to women getting better.⁠

  2. There is no evidence of harm in screening pregnant and postpartum women for depression, so why won’t we screen? It is a win-win situation if we choose to screen.⁠

  3. Screening questionnaires are accurate enough to detect depression in pregnant and postpartum women.⁠

Further Information:



What Not to Say (and What to Say Instead) to Someone Struggling With Anxiety


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